Wednesday 5 September 2012


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants to make food for themselves, as they can't eat like we do. Plants that use photosynthesis contain chloroplasts, which traps the sunlight and is a fluid. It is then stored chlorophyll in the stomata. Combining hydrogens from the water (H2O) with energy Carbon Diaxide (CO2), glucose (sugar)will then be produced. The food can then make energy so that the plant can live and respirate.

Some plants can't do photosynthesis. They will be called parasites. Examples of these type of plants are: Monotropa uniflora also known as Indian Pipe, Sarcodes sanguinea which is a snow plant, and they are related to buckberries and blueberries, there are many more but the main plant that does not do photosynthesis is Marijuana (Pot).


Indian Pipe

Sarcodes sanguinea



* Information is used from Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, and Wiki Answers
*Photos are from Google Images

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