Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Survey: How do YOU think plants survive?

The following survey is a survey that I had did on my class 922 of Wellington East Girls College, about what THEY think plants needed to survive. The results all varied but most of them were accurate and some of them are...  just their own opinions. 
Most results showed that seeds needed water, sunlight and oxygen/carbon dioxide. Love was also a populare decision.

-How Do YOU Think Plants Survive?-

'they need water sunlight and oxygen'

' they need water, sunlight and someone to take care of them while they germinate'

'-love xoxo'

'They need water, sunlight and nutrients from soil or just nutrients by themselves'

' Agree with the above'

'Roses opinion is all of the above'

'um? well obviously they need chocolate :L gawsh'

'I think they need hugs, love and kisses. xx'

'They need water, sun, and carbon dioxide'

'Same as above'

'LOVE xx'

'Same as above & below!'

'Water, sunlight & oxygen :)'

' When they're owners look after them properly'


'pretty much the same as everyone else :) -Cassie'

Moisture, heat + nutrients'


' plants need sunlight, oxygen,water & love' -Divya

'water, oxygen, sunlight, space, and love! xx' -ME!! :) 

These have been typed up exactly how they were written down.

So what do YOU think they need?

* survey done by Annie Mei
* contributes to the survey are from class 922 from WELLINGTON EAST GIRLS COLLEGE New Zealand

Humans Vs Plants

Humans and plants are not too different as we are both living organisms, whidh means they  need things to keep them living.

Plants need sunlight, water and Carbon Dioxide.
Humans need calories, water and Oxygen.

They both produce substances that keep the other living.
Plants produce oxygen, which humans breathe in, and in return,  humans breath out carbon dioxide for plants to create oxygen and then the cycle goes on again. Though plants are hermaphrodites, meaning they do not have a specific sex.

Both Plants and Humans are multi-cell organisms, except plants are made of plant cells, and humans are made of animal cells.

Although human cells and plant cells are similar in many ways, there are also big differences to them.
All cells have a cell membrane that protects it from external danger. The center of cells are called the nucleus, and they contain the cells DNA.

Chloroplast is a big difference between plant and human cells. Chloroplast is featured only in plant cells and allows the plant to get energy from the sun.

Plant Cell

Animal Cell

*images from google images
*Information from and yahoo!

Sunday, 9 September 2012

The photosynthesis song

The photosynthesis song :)

A really helpful and catchy song that teaches you about photosynthesis! :)

* Video from youtube by missygirl213

Plants that do NOT do photosynthesis

The only plants that can do photosynthesis are the only ones that contain chlorophyll and use carbon dioxide.

Not all plants do photosynthesis, the plants that don't, are called parasites, but is better known as holoparasitic plants. 20% of plants these days are classified as holoparasitic.

e.g plants at the bottom of the sea do not get much sunlight and nutrients so they get it from soil.

Plants that don't do photosynthesis have to get energy and nutrients from a autoptrophic host plant, but they cannot get nutrients unless they are directly attached to it by using their haustorium. 40% attach to the stem of it's host plant. 60% attach to it underground, as root-parasitic species. Though Fungi don't use them.

Fungi is also known as my mycoheterophytes. They connect to the tree that connects to the host plant that feeds the parasitic plant.

Another type of plant that don't use sunlight as it's main source is known as saprophyes. They get their name by obtaining energy from dead oraganic matter.


* Information is from the website and photos are from google images.


Signs of overwatering plants

Below is is a short clip about why overwatering plants can kill them, and what shows that, they are being overwatered and what to do.

It is 2:40 min long with good information and advice

* Video from by GrowingWisdom on Youtube

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants to make food for themselves, as they can't eat like we do. Plants that use photosynthesis contain chloroplasts, which traps the sunlight and is a fluid. It is then stored chlorophyll in the stomata. Combining hydrogens from the water (H2O) with energy Carbon Diaxide (CO2), glucose (sugar)will then be produced. The food can then make energy so that the plant can live and respirate.

Some plants can't do photosynthesis. They will be called parasites. Examples of these type of plants are: Monotropa uniflora also known as Indian Pipe, Sarcodes sanguinea which is a snow plant, and they are related to buckberries and blueberries, there are many more but the main plant that does not do photosynthesis is Marijuana (Pot).


Indian Pipe

Sarcodes sanguinea



* Information is used from Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, and Wiki Answers
*Photos are from Google Images