Friday 17 August 2012


Hello, guys

My name is Annie, and this blog that I have created will all be based on Plants and their life as a plant. You will read about, photosynthesis, pests, types of plants, it's life-cycle, germination, tips, cells, and many more.
This is produced for my science project and so i hope you all support me til the end. Not only that, but I do wish that you learn a thing or two while reading my blog.

I have chosen a blog for my presentation because I feel like most people, when they want to find out something, they will search it up on the internet and sometimes blogs come up. I know not all people will click on blogs but some will as they feel it's best to get advice from real life experiences and people.

I do hope that this will be a success :)

Wish me luck and enjoy my blog!



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